“This isn’t a book about simply opening doors; its a primer on not closing off opportunities. It’s about conquering our inner doubts and demons, and rising to something more-much more.”
– Neil Cavuto, Fox Business Network and Fox News Channel
“Dr. Fazio is someone authentically committed to serving others. Simply put, I would not be where I am today if I didn’t listen to and act on his sage advice. Read this book and get to work.”
– JP Mantey, Senior Business Program Manager, Microsoft
“Through Simple is the New Smart, with his background in sport psychology and executive coaching, Dr. Fazio provides a clear and digestible formula to help anyone achieve their best in the workplace, in their relationships, and on the field.”
-Joanne Pasternack, Executive Director, 49ers Foundation & Community Relations

Simple is the New Smart
Whether you are at work or at home, you are probably being asked to do more with less. We often become consumed with what doesn’t really matter, and spend far too much of our precious time on what doesn’t even count.
In Simple Is the New Smart, Dr. Rob Fazio shows you how to block out the static so you can turn up the volume on the right information and accelerate your path to success.
In an engaging, conversational style, Dr. Fazio offers success strategies that can be used the moment you stop reading. The focus is on helping you help yourself by learning easy-to-read and easy-to-apply techniques that will help you get the edge in business and in life.
By reading Dr. Fazio’s new book and applying its successful strategies, you will:
- Learn what is holding you back and how to propel yourself forward.
- Realize that listening can be bad for your health and learn how to break free from the messages that have been holding you down.
- Discover the art of reading before leading so you can be intentional with your time.
- Master the secrets of psychological swagger that allow you to grow without pain.
Click on any of the links below to read articles published by Dr. Rob Fazio of OnPoint Advising Inc.
Click on any of the links below to read articles published by Dr. Rob Fazio on Forbes.com.
#FazioOnForbes is where Dr. Fazio is able to connect with the business community. His passion is writing for people who have a passion for people. Here are some of his most recent insights that bring awareness into action.
How To Stand Out As A Virtual Leader
The Power of a First Impression with Power
Make a Decision with Precision
The Leadership Sweet Spot
3 Signs That You Think You’re Leading, but People Aren’t Following
Lead with Laughter: How Humor Can Positively Transform A Work Environment
Before You Give Up, Lead Up
It’s Not About Time It’s About Value
Why the Best Winners are Actually Losers
The Importance of the Alpha Female
Put Down Your Remote Control And Pick Up Your Remote Influence