
Leadership Consultant

OnPoint Advising guides seasoned and emerging leaders
to become influential and get results.

OnPoint Advising guides top teams to work more productively together. This enhancement includes initiatives that build cohesion and creates strong team leaders.

Team Development and Performance

  • Executive team development and alignment of team priorities
  • Awareness of communication styles and team dynamics
  • Identification of team commitments, decision processes, and building cohesion
  • Mitigating the risks of team dysfunction
  • Facilitation of Strategy Sessions
  • New leader assimilation

Case Studies

Note: The examples below are real engagements. Names and details of the situations have been changed to protect the identity of the executives and companies.

Targeted Challenge
A prominent Fortune 500 company was having challenges with the performance of one of their executive teams. There was lack of clarity in their roles and challenges around managing conflict and prioritizing.

Sharp Solution
We worked closely with Donna, the company’s CEO, to help her craft her vision and business priorities. Through an executive offsite we led the team to work on understanding one another’s communication styles and building team effectiveness. In aligning their business priorities with their strengths, the team identified key commitments to drive their business forward.

Targeted Challenge
Ron, a chief executive, was taking over a new team and did not have an understanding of the business unit’s culture and norms.

Sharp Solution
We worked with the company to facilitate a leader assimilation process that allowed both Ron and the team to discuss the company’s culture, working styles and expectations. The team was provided the opportunity to share their insights, concerns, and aspirations and became more aligned and focused on working on business challenges together rather than being distracted with concerns related to the leadership transition.

OnPoint Advising partners with businesses to align their people strategy with their business strategy.

Talent Management Strategies

  • Pre-hire selection and promotion readiness
  • High-potential initiatives
  • Retention strategies
  • Succession planning

Keynote Presentations

  • Tailored executive offsites
  • Motivational presentations

Primary Industries Served:

  • Financial Sector/Banking/Private Equity/Hedge Funds
  • Oil & Gas
  • Media, Sports & Entertainment
  • Technology & Telecommunications
  • Healthcare/Pharmaceuticals  

Leadership Development Initiatives

  • Tailored development in areas such as:
    • Motivational Currency
    • Emotional Intelligence
    • Political Savvy
    • Influence
    • Communication
    • Change leadership
    • Crisis leadership
    • Resilience
    • Sales Effectiveness
    • Generational Savvy
  • 360 Feedback
  • Leader Credibility

Case Studies

Note: The examples below are real engagements. Names and details of the situations have been changed to protect the identity of the executives and companies.

Targeted Challenge
A large pharmaceutical company was rolling out an initiative for managers of scientists around core conversations they were expected to have with their direct reports. The scientist managers knew what they had to do, but did not know how since these types of conversations were new and intimidating.

Sharp Solution
The pharmaceutical company partnered with us to provide support and learning to their scientist managers. The initiative focused on building the skills and confidence of high potential scientists. Through a series of monthly interactive sessions the scientist managers learned how to have these conversations as well as developed an ongoing peer network to support one another.

Targeted Challenge
A bank that was in a growth spurt was having challenges within their IT department. The IT leaders were focused on the tactical side of their work, but communication between infrastructure and development was breaking down and creating silos.

Sharp Solution
We worked with the head of IT to tailor an initiative on emotional intelligence and influence. A session with all IT managers served as a kickoff for the initiative. Each manager went through a 360 process focused on emotional intelligence. These insights provided participants with an understanding of their colleagues’ preferences and practical strategies on how to lead IT more effectively across the organization.

Targeted Challenge
A Fortune 500 media company was in the midst of change after change. This created a lack of confidence, ownership, and focus in their sales force.

Sharp Solution
The company worked with us to identify key messages to challenge attitudes and build skills for a lasting impact. A keynote address was given at an international event for the senior executives. Leadership development initiatives were rolled out to the sales force that were aligned with the organization’s direction. This strategic tactic built the sales team’s confidence and competence related to dealing with the changes and focusing on what they do best: selling.