Office Politics: Tools For Taking Charge

*As appeared in Forbes magazine The word politics, it’s been said, is derived from the word “poly” meaning “many,” and the word “ticks” meaning “blood sucking parasites.” Well, not really. But regardless of its linguistic roots, politics can be tough. Including office politics. Studies show that many people who claim dissatisfaction with their jobs more

Office Politics: Tools For Taking Charge2019-05-08T12:21:50-04:00

Leadership Development Program – Guest Entry

By Alexandra Brown/Career Minds The next decade is paced to be one of significant change in terms of leadership development. The “silver tsunami,” or the mass exodus of baby boomers from the workforce, will result in over ten thousand retirements each day. The boomers have remained in the workforce longer than previous generations, resulting more

Leadership Development Program – Guest Entry2019-05-08T12:22:00-04:00

Pay People With Their Motivational Currency®

*As appeared in The CEO Magazine “I didn’t find the meeting valuable.” Years ago, those were the words in an email I was copied on to my boss. It was my first CEO executive coaching engagement, and all I knew was I never wanted to see those words again. I was confident that I more

Pay People With Their Motivational Currency®2019-05-08T12:22:11-04:00

Don’t Act Your Age, Act Like a Millennial: 5 Lessons to Leverage

*As appeared in NBC News Millennials get bad a rap, especially when it comes to their workplace reps. Gen X and Baby Boomer managers tend to judge millennials harshly for their work style and expectations and are often left wondering: "What do millennials really want at work anyway?" According to a 2014 study by more

Don’t Act Your Age, Act Like a Millennial: 5 Lessons to Leverage2019-05-08T12:22:21-04:00

5 Strategies For Dealing With A Bully

*As appeared in Success Magazine Alpha personalities are important to getting things done, but not at your expense. When a bully throws a punch, many people suggest hitting back. As an adviser to Fortune 500 senior executives and CEOs who need guidance in all sorts of negotiations, I can say that is not always more

5 Strategies For Dealing With A Bully2019-05-08T12:23:33-04:00

How Philadelphia Can Become More Competitive

*As appeared in the Philadelphia Business Journal Give me four minutes and I’ll give you four moves that will help attract top talent and drive business forward. I had a choice of where to live and build my career, and I chose Philadelphia. I want to support Philadelphia executives to position their businesses so more

How Philadelphia Can Become More Competitive2019-05-08T12:23:46-04:00

Why Your Business Needs A Trump Tweet Plan As Protection

*As appeared in the NY Daily News Following the resignation of National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, President Trump's new administration is under tremendous scrutiny. Under the microscope now is Trump adviser KellyAnne Conway, under fire for potential ethics violations for touting first daughter Ivanka's fashion line after a major U.S. retailer removed the brand's products more

Why Your Business Needs A Trump Tweet Plan As Protection2019-05-08T12:23:54-04:00